Technology is on the rise and the vast majority of lawyers are lagging behind in implementing it in their offices. The complicated thing about this is that it is gradually more difficult to attract potential clients to your legal office using traditional marketing (flyer, pamphlets, business cards). And with the passage of time, these techniques are mostly destined to disappear, perhaps not entirely, but 70%.

If you want to increase the sales of your legal services; You better start using Facebook Ads as your best weapon to reach your ideal client. So in this first article, explained here are the 5 great benefits that you get by integrating Facebook Ads as your ally in law firm internet marketing. But first, let’s review two important statistics

Why use Facebook? Two important statistics

It is the social network by predilection currently, who do not have Facebook Ads does not exist so say the gurus of law firm internet marketing, the same case when you are looking for someone and not a user of this network it is already assumed that it is not trusted (as far as we have arrived) know two important figures of this network:

First.- It is the social network in which people spend more time; According to the title of Forbes, the minimum amount of time people spend on Facebook is 5 hours and 36 minutes.

Second.- Just In July 2018 Facebook had about 2,196 million active users a month. ONLY IN ONE MONTH!

Once these figures are reviewed we will see the 5 Reasons You Should Fall In Love With Facebook Marketing For Law Firm:

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Increased Visibility

According to title the traditional word of mouth in which many lawyers trust. A Facebook Ads ad can have a great reach and appear to many people who did not know about the existence of your office and the great services you can offer for them

Word of mouth has a weakness that a client of yours tells another person of your services and that this chain continues; so you cannot follow up, you cannot edit or control what that client communicates to another client prospect and this chain reaches very few people.

As for Facebook, we already saw that it only has a small amount of 2,196 million users in a month and that more people join every day. I think I like the Facebook chain more than traditional word of mouth. Imagine that 1000 people know your brand in a month or a week; Or talk about the prospects you have captured, or talk about the sales closures that with a good advertising strategy on Facebook can be many.

Low Investment Cost

How much does advertising on Facebook cost? This is a concern that lawyers are made before wanting to invest in Facebook. It is a mistake to think that the platform needs a lot of initial investment to start with its help. On the contrary, you can advertise on Facebook from a dollar (of course it will not be an effective budget but it is good to test the platform). In relation to traditional marketing as send print brochures, flyers, business cards. Facebook is more economical and effective.

Reach The Right People

What happens in most cases where you hand a flyer to a person on the street?

Exact! In the best case, he takes a quick look and then … throws it away.

Why is this happening? Simply because that information does not interest you and it happens in 7 people out of 10. Although really when I implement it, let’s say it happened with 10 people out of 10 … sadly the true case.

In comparison to the flyer or promotional flyer that interrupts a person who is walking and who cares about a cucumber what you offer.

A Facebook ad can be set to appear only to the audience that interests you and that they are interested in what you have to tell. For this, you must know who your ideal client is and what hurts. With this you can use that pain for the benefit of both since he will feel identified, he will know that you have the solution to his problem and you benefit from a new client and the fair payment of fees.

The Most Faithful Seller

If someone believes in your brand it is Facebook and is willing to work as much as you want. It is the employee who never gets tired and the one who best meets his work schedule. You can decide if he works all day every day, certain times of the day, certain days a week and he will simply do it.

You don’t have to pay this seller more than the amount you want to invest in your campaign that, as I already mentioned, can be from one dollar.

According to the title he is the seller that everyone wants to have in his house since all the people give him access to the most important device today; the smartphone or smartphone. Opportunities to offer your legal services will not be missing but the important thing is to do it correctly.

Something Does Not Work? Make Changes Whenever You Want

“My campaign is not working, something is wrong I have no answer, I do not get messages to my ad, etc …”

Then identify the problem, correct it and return to the load. This is a great advantage when you work with law firm seo marketing and law firm internet marketing ads since everything can be corrected; A bad word, a wrong description, an audience. All very low cost and in the vast majority of cases FREE.

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