Apart from the physical body we see, the human body also has an astral form. This astral form has 7 energy points, also known as Chakras. They are located along the spine. These Chakras play a pivotal role in defining who we are & how we behave.
Any imbalance in these Chakra can lead to Physical & Psychological health disorders. There are specific ways to heal these Chakras.
Today, we will talk about Manipura Chakra or Solar Plexus Chakra, its impact & how you can heal it.
What is Solar Plexus or Manipura Chakra?
Solar Plexus is located 4 fingerbreadths above the naval. The prime element of Solar Plexus is fire. This Chakra plays a vital role in managing Metabolism in the human body. The better this Chakra’s strength is, the healthier your digestive system will be. It also signifies the Strength & Confidence to achieve success. As the color of fire is yellow, so is the color of the Solar Plexus.
Here are some characteristics of the Solar Plexus?
The roots of the name Solar Plexus can be traced back to Sanskrit. It means a lustrous gem that shines bright. Here are some peculiar characteristics of Solar Plexus that you should know:
The Elemental Fire
Fire is the element associated with Manipura Chakra. This fire is known to ignite the consciousness in the human body & boost confidence to help people achieve immeasurable success. It also impacts the digestive system of the human body.
So if your Solar Plexus is weak, the fire will be weak & you will feel fearful & weak. You will also struggle with your digestive system health. So no matter what, it’s vital for every human being to heal this Chakra if it’s imbalanced to ignite the fire & keep it burning.
Prana-the life energy
Solar Plexus attracts Prana, the very essence of life. The balance of this life force ensures the body & mind are in sync. But if the fire of Solar Plexus is excessive, it can lead to specific impulsive reactions. It includes anger & outburst. Also, you might feel burnt out if you work too much on Manipura Chakra.
The Yellow Color
Yellow is the color of the Sun & Fire. So obviously, it has to be the color of Manipura Chakra. This yellow color is the physical representation of a new beginning, ravishing youth, birth & rebirth. It’s also the color of Super Intellect & Energy. People with an affinity towards the Yellow color are often highly intellectual & intelligent.
How do you know if your Solar Plexus is weak?
The primary signs of weak Solar Plexus are a weak digestive system & certain eating disorders. Constipation, diabetes & issues with the liver are common.
At the Emotional level, such a person lacks self-confidence, struggles with lower self-esteem & seeks approval from others.
To overcome these issues, it’s critical to healing your Solar Plexus immediately. Let’s find out how.
How to Heal or Unblock Solar Plexus Chakra?
There are multiple ways to unleash the Best Healing Power of solar plexus Chakra. The primary amongst them is to remove insecurities & to let go of negative thoughts. You can feel more confident & dedicated towards a specific life goal.
Another powerful way is to adopt Chakra-conscious affirmation apparel. Adorning yourself with affirmation apparel can have a significant impact on improving your Manipura Chakra. In fact, such clothes will let free the Best Healing Power of solar plexus Chakra.
At Hadobody, we believe in sustainability & power of Self-affirmation. So we create Chakra-conscious clothing lines for men & women alike. These apparels infuse positivity & self-esteem in your body & mind, driving you towards a healthier & happier life.
How Affirmations can help improve your Solar Plexus Chakra:
Affirmation is the only way to empower yourself & boost your self-esteem. This way, you can heal your Solar Plexus & lead a healthier life. The Affirmation Apparel from Hadobody for men & women imbibes in you positivity & self-esteem and offers you the best healing power..
When you wear our gear & look at yourself in the mirror, you are constantly reminded of the powerful affirmation. This invokes the feeling of I AM, I CAN & I Will.
These positive words will align your body & mind to work in sync & help you achieve the success you have always desired. Apparel from Hadobody constantly energizes your body & mind with a positive mind at the Conscious & Subconscious levels.
Imagine the change you can experience in your body with our Chakra-conscious & Sustainable apparel. Once you choose them, they will help you feel Energized, Powerful, Confident & full of Self-esteem. This will indeed be a life-changing moment that you have always waited for.
A Parting Thought
It’s time to empower & realize the best healing power of Solar PlexusChakra . You have waited long enough, now is the time to set out & conquer the world!
With Love & Light Dianna – CEO HADOBODY |