Have you ever thought about starting your own business? If so, you might be struggling to think of an industry to enter. The internet offers a world of possibilities, but competition is fierce as everyone across the world attempts to earn a slice of that lucrative ecommerce pie.
Due to this, it can often make more sense to focus closer to home with starting a local company. In that regard, one of the best options available is a plumbing business. You can even begin this type of establishment without any prior experience in plumbing.
There are many advantages that highlight why this route is a great one to take. Along with being one of the best paid contractor trades in the UK, there’s no worry about plumbing suddenly experiencing a downturn like other industries. People always require the assistance of plumbers, even if it is during an economic downturn.
If you have dreams of becoming the next Pimlico Plumbers, here are five steps to follow when starting a plumbing business from scratch.
Step #1: Gain the necessary skills and experience
If you’re already a qualified plumber, feel free to skip this step. Yet if you are truly starting from scratch, where you don’t possess any prior experience in this industry, it’s important you become a self-employed plumber to acquire the necessary experience and skills.
There are two main paths in which this can be done. One is the traditional path, where you study as an apprentice for a number of years. The other is to enrol on a fast-track plumbing course. While both are viable options, it makes greater sense to go with a fast-track course where you can gain all of your training within just 4-to-16 weeks. This way you don’t have to put your business aspirations on hold for too long.
For more information, Skills Training Group provides expert fast-track plumbing training courses.
Step #2: Write your business plan
Once you have the necessary qualifications and experience, the next step is to put together your business plan. This business plan isn’t just about securing financing, either. It also helps you gain a greater idea about the business itself, how it will work, and what type of niche you’ll focus on to stand out from the competition.
When putting together your business plan, remember to maintain a professional tone throughout, avoid grammatical errors and waffling, and include all of the important details like your financial forecasts.
Step #3: Research the competition
When setting up a local business, it’s essential you scout the competition you’re about to go up against. After all, you don’t want to simply mimic what they’re doing – you need to stand out in some way to start attracting customers.
Look at stuff like the prices they are charging for services, how they market their business, the type of customer service they provide, etc. You can then use this information to make your new company better than the rest.
Step #4: Covering your startup costs
There’s a major reason why you wrote that business plan: to raise the necessary funds to start your company. While a plumbing business is not one of the most expensive startup options available, there are still various expenses you have to take into account.
For instance, you will need to invest in equipment like basic plumbing tools, fittings, and pipes. There’s also a necessity to spend some cash on a website and marketing materials, and you may even need to splash out on uniforms and a dedicated premises.
One of your biggest expenses when starting out, however, will be purchasing a van or truck, although you could go with the cheaper option and rent a vehicle. This van or truck can also be one of your main marketing materials by slapping your logo and contact details on it.
Step #5: Local online marketing
Leaflets, business cards, and the aforementioned logo on your business vehicle – these are all great traditional marketing methods to promote your business.
However, you should never overlook harnessing the power of the internet and local search. A lot of newcomers to the world of online marketing make the mistake of trying to target the world for their local business. There are plenty of methods – from Google’s My Business to local SEO – which make sure you zone in on the people that matter: customers in the vicinity of your plumbing business.
Also don’t forget to engage with social media and always be responsive to any customer enquiries sent your way.